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Love this app (and the doom one too!) , will we by any chance get something similar to this, but for duke nukem? :p

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Good idea ;-) !

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Awesome! Glad to hear you are considering it :)

If possible, can you make it compatible with the Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour version on Steam?

I'm only suggesting that one since it seems to be the only currently available way to purchase Duke Nukem in the modern age (Other than GOG :P)

Also another suggestion (but perhaps a much much tougher one unfortunately) is that it would be nice to have Linux support especially for the Steam deck, this (And the Doom one) would be the perfect launchers for it ^^


You can also purchase Duke3D from ZOOM

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Hi!  I am trying to use the tool, but nothing happens when I select a map to play.  I have .NET installed and I have pointed the app to my Quake installation.  Am I missing something?
Also noticed the Back and Forward buttons on the bottom right don't respond, while the left and right arrows do function for navigation.

Hi, first of all thanks to use the app :-D !!

It is possible that some contents download do not work but in general the tool is working well.

You have problems with all maps or only with specific ones ?

PS: If you've discord you can join to solve de doubts in our community: